Life Coaching

“Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen”.

Pete Carroll

Life Coaching 1:1 

Do you want help making action steps to reach your personal goals? Well, life coaching might be a good choice!   

Dr Rita’s coaching aims to offer you guidance when you feel like being at a crossroads and in need of some extra help to move your life forward in positive and constructive ways.

She provides you training, encouragement, and guidance for your positive change in the areas of personal growth
and well-being


 Any questions? Feel free to Contact Dr Rita

Key Concepts

Be focused on the “here and now”

Supporting behaviours in the present to generate positive change for the future.

Coaching is solution-focused, not problem-focused.

Centering around attainable and measurable goals within the coaching process, you work towards tangible results.

A scientifically-rooted approach

A coaching model based on positive psychology concepts can offer a more structured and reliable approach to supporting you to achieve your goals.

Coaching assessment tools.

A range of tests, scaling techniques and questionnaires can be used to assess your strengths, progress, goal setting, and satisfaction in relation to your desired outcomes and to clarify your commitment going forward.

Giving meaning to what you say, beyond your own thinking.

A new and more productive perspective helps you to develop new strategies and habits around the changes you need to achieve your goals.

Taking action is at the heart of coaching.

Develop an effective action plan for a certain goal with a definite timetable and defined steps to take.  

Bridging the Gap 

Between where you are and where you want to be

One of the most famous life coach once said that coaching helps people to see clearly HOW to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be in their life. Whether you are in the middle of that bridge or at the beginning, you’ll need to cross that bridge. Many people do not even know that a bridge exists. They are like lonely boats in the ocean, sailing without destination. No goals. Doing things they hate. No dreams to follow. No wonder why life is such a struggle for them. They need to have a destination in life. If there’s no destination, create one! Have a point to where you want to be from where you are right now. If there’s no bridge at all, create one yourself and close the gap between you and your desired destination. 


  • Clarify what you want
  • Assess where you are now
  • Review your resources and options
  • Create your action plan
  • Inspire motivation and commitment and keep them high
  • Calibrate and keep you on track
  • Celebrate your wins along the way

The dark side of Coaching 

The coaching profession is unregulated. Coaches do not need degrees, recognised certifications and training of any kind. A life coach could have education in almost any field and still hold the title of ‘life coach”. In a world with more and more people jumping on the coaching bandwagon, you need to make a deliberate choice about the professional Coach who can serve you best, helping you DO better, with responsibility and professional competence.

As Dr Martin Seligman, the pioneer of Positive Psychology, said, coaching is a practice without limits on its scope, lacking theoretical foundations and meaningful accreditation; one that has yet to develop a significant empirical base.

I believe that coaching should be a science-based practice. I have found that the Positive Psychology approach provides my coaching practice with the evidence-based framework I need. Further, positive psychology provides me a range of valid measures and interventions, helping to set the boundaries of a responsible coaching practice.

I see each client of mine as the expert in his/her own life. My coaching philosophy in the area of personal growth and well-being aligns with the activation of personal responsibility and action toward desired outcomes. In a relationship based on mutual respect, integrity, and commitment, I serve my clients in reaching their full potential, as determined by the clients themselves.

Be ready for your Life Coaching Experience 

There’s something important you should ask yourself before starting:

  • Commitment—Many people want to see change, but they are not ready to bring that change into their lives. Be honest, how prepared are you to fully commit to yourself and your coaching?

  • Focus— One of the traits that top performers have in common is the ability to stay focused. Do you want to get the most out of your coaching? You’ll need to make a conscious effort to direct time and energy to a process long enough to get the results you’re looking for.  

  • Openness— If you keep doing things the way you’ve been doing them, you don’t need a coach. Your coach will assess you in terms of how open you are to explore different ways of doing things or trying things that you’ve not been aware of. How open-minded are you? The more open you are, the more likely you are to see the changes you are looking for. 

  • Willingness to Change— You must have a desire to change. Everyone wants to be better but not everyone wants to DO what it takes to be better. Some people may believe they’re ready for change, but they’re not willing to go all-in. Do you really want to create the kind of change you need in your life?

If you don’t know what you really want, you might not be ready for coaching.
If you know that, make a list right now of the things you would like to see change in your life.
Knowing what you really want to accomplish by working with a coach is the most important step you can take.


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My Harmony Solutions

  • individual Psychotherapy
  • Couple Therapy
  • Counselling
  • Life Coaching